The Local Wisdom in Marine Resource Conservation For Strategies of Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia

Penulis: Lucky Zamzami

ISBN: 978-623-6234-02-0

Bahasa: Inggris

Cetakan: Pertama, 2021

Jumlah Halaman: 197 halaman

Ukuran Buku: 15,5 cm x 23 cm



Indonesia as the largest archipelagic state has a wealth of marine ecosystem and biodiversity. Besides its ecological function, the potential marine resource is an important factor in improving the indigenous economy in the fishing communities, and even it could be used as a source of the future welfare of people. The Indonesian government has committed to establish marine conservation areas, each of which has an important role in supporting local sustainable fishery management and human resources having the local wisdom. To study such issues and their concerns demonstrates that some activities for the marine resource conservation management are major parts of the fishermen's strategy for the poverty reduction at the coastal communities.  At the village of South Tiku as research location, the various forms of activities concerning marine and coastal resource conservation are carried out by local fishermen, whose behaviours are always based on the value and culture of their local wisdom. This book would predict the further necessity of future marine resource conservation along the Tiku coast, which could improve the balance between marine resource conservation goals and poverty Alleviation outcomes.

Read 3656 times Last modified on Jumat, 23 April 2021 09:09